Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Cheerleading is a Sport

Many people have misconceptions about cheerleading; all they see is the blonde Barbie’s who jump around and flail their arms, obviously they haven’t been exposed to true cheerleading. All-star cheerleading is way more elite then people gives it credit for, we work just as hard as other athletes and it is time we are treated equally.

The official definition of a sport is physical activity engaged in for pleasure, now someone please tell me how this does not apply for cheerleaders. Personally my gym practices at least three days a week for up to three hours of continuous exercise, just like any other sport. The skills we do take talent, practice, strength, and no fear. And unlike other sports we are only given two minutes and thirty seconds to prove our talent, with no mistakes, not to mention putting on a smile when you feel like dying.

I wish people would stop looking at movies for the definition of cheerleading, because trust me cheerleaders are not all girly blonde rich girls. We work hard doing what we love, proving to people how hard cheerleading actually is, and how it is a sport.