Tuesday, May 22, 2012

The abs of Cheer Athletics

The cheer athletics are notorious for their fierce routines, flawless tumbling, unique stunting, their worlds titles, but of course it can’t go unannounced that their abs are the cream of the crop.
Whenever a cheerleader says that they want to have good abs the term that is always used is CA abs; while they might be a little too rigid and dominant on the small bodies they are hard core. I can’t say personally that I want abs like that, but they are definitely something to envy by the cheer world.
Out in the world girls are doing the ‘CA abs workout’, which no one even knows if it’s their actual workout, to achieve that perfect six pack.
 Look out, because these girls are armed and dangerous with their killer abs and worlds titles. 


  1. I am not going to lie to you for awhile i thought that cheerleaders were whimps but after reading your blog i have respect for them now!

  2. when will you write again? your blog helps so much.
